We will learn how to enlarge the penis with the most effective methods and what methods are best not to use

a man wants to enlarge his penis

Many men are interested in increasing penis size and how possible.

As shown by many anonymous reviews, most of the stronger sex want to increase the size of their genitals.

In this modern age, changes in your own body can be done one hundred percent. Penis enlargement is a procedure that can be done at home. You just have to know exactly how to do it. The effectiveness of the chosen therapy will depend on the regularity of its use and the involvement of known growth stimulants in the process.

There are methods of increasing the size that can be implemented at no cost, there are also full operations that will give the fastest and most durable results. Choosing the appropriate method must be carefully studied.

Adhering to certain rules also helps achieve the desired results. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, the procedures should be performed together.

Is it possible to increase penis size

Of course, the question of whether it is possible to increase penis size is always surrounded by a lot of controversy and additional questions. Even medical officers can now say with certainty that not only is it possible to do so, but there are also doctor’s indications for surgery. However, it should be immediately noted that organ enlargement is possible in three directions:

  • Long;
  • In thickness;
  • Its length and thickness.

Therefore, depending on the purpose, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the method.

How to increase male penis size

Therefore, to enlarge the size of the penis, it is necessary to cite the working methods that have been tried and tested as examples.


The first option for increasing size is exercise. There are many exercises and they are aimed at different results, in the form of lengthening, thickening or change of both indicators. A man is always able to find the most suitable exercise for him and create individual complexes for regular exercise.

jelqing for penis enlargement

The most striking exercise option for penis enlargement can be called milking exercise (jelqing). A man brings himself to an incomplete arousal state, an erection of about 70%. Then he lubricates the organ with lubricant, saliva, water or massage oil and continues to perform manipulations.

One hand is placed at the root of the penis, fixing it with the ring of the thumb and forefinger. This "ring" is led along the base to the head, gradually increasing the pressure on the organ. Already near the head, the hands are replaced and repeated initially about 40 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 200.

The pressure on the penis must be moderate. When the pain appears for the first time, it is necessary to stop and try the next day. If the condition is repeated more than twice, it is better to choose a different technique.

Stretching device

penis elongation

One of the penis enlargers is an extender.

This device aims to change the size of the penis in two directions: length and thickness. And also used to correct the curvature of the penis.

There are three types of elongation:

  • Loop;
  • Waist;
  • Vacancy.

They are not so different in terms of appearance such as price and level of comfort. For example, the hinge mechanism is considered the simplest, but at the same time the cheapest.

Basically, they started wearing it for half an hour a day, gradually increasing this time to 6 hours a day. The fact of using an extender does not affect everyday life, does not interfere at all during housework and moderate movements, the main thing is to get used to its presence.

If you start wearing the extender for a long time from the first use, this not only speeds up the results, but can also be harmful.

Vacuum pump

penis enlargement pump

We must not forget to increase the size of the penis with a vacuum pump. The device is quite simple in terms of its mechanism of action as well as its instructions for use.

The penis, lubricated before the procedure, is immersed in a container in the form of a cylinder. And with the help of a pump, a negative pressure is created around it, which stimulates an increase in blood flow in it.

This is due to the blood flow that the corpus cavernosum is stretched and expanded by full blood vessels and, in general, the size of the penis increases due to improved blood circulation.

You can buy a vacuum pump in a specialty store, for example, for a sex shop, or make your own. Ordinary glass jars are often used as pumps.

At the same time, the use of cans for penis enlargement at home is done according to medical principles and is almost not inferior to its efficiency with traditional methods.

It has been proven that most men who regularly use this device have achieved good results.

A month later, a penis enlargement pump helped make it two and a half times thicker. Its length also increases, but much slower than its width.

Ointments, gels and sprays

In searching for answers to the article’s question, one cannot see how many creams, gels, ointments and sprays are available, developed just for this purpose.

The drug has a composition of natural ingredients and if there is no allergy to any component, it is harmless.

There are three types:

  • With a short effect, they are used mainly by those who are interested in enlarging the male penis quickly and directly during the period of sexual intercourse;
  • Durable, it is taken for a certain period of time and gives long lasting results;
  • With the added effect, they are used in combination with other magnification techniques.

Surgical intervention

penis enlargement surgery

Surgical interventions cannot be eliminated from this list. However, it should be clearly illustrated that there are methods to increase the length of the penis, and there are manipulations for its organs.

Categories of extension operations include:

  • Ligamentotomy, which aims to dissect the ligaments that hold parts of organs in the body;
  • Falloprosthetics, which are based on the installation of a prosthesis that gives a larger penis.

Thickening operations include:

  • Lipofilling, when a patient’s adipose tissue is injected subcutaneously into the penis;
  • Muscle transplantation, for which patient materials are also used;
  • Introduction to silicones and polymers.

Which method is best not to use

Among the various methods to increase penis size, there are some that should not be taken. You need to know more information about them.

Sodium bicarbonate

Among the options for correcting penis size always feature folk methods. And the most common interest is the method of using baking soda.

There are many recipes using sodium bicarbonate, when a soda bath is made for the penis, rubbed with a solution, or lubricated with a homemade scrub.

The use of this ingredient is risky. In particular, because the skin on the penis will dry out due to its effects. This will affect its appearance, and if there is the smallest wound on the skin, the pain will be a guaranteed addition to the procedure. Moreover, = if soda enters the urethra, it can cause a burning sensation and damage the mucous membrane of the urethra.

Therefore, it is better to close the question of the use of this method.

Load suspension

hanging weight for penis enlargement

Another method of increasing penis length at home, which is not recommended to use, is by hanging weight.

These weights are easily made at home or purchased separately, they are installed right under the head and their use can cause injury.

Men who tried stated that weight significantly interfered with their quiet daily activities and prevented moderate movement around the house. And also often stick to things, which in turn threatens the possibility of injury.

In addition, with improperly chosen weights or improper fixation, there is a high probability of circulatory disturbances in the head. That will cause a number of problems, up to the gradual development of tissue ischemia and its further necrosis.


a man taking pills for penis enlargement

Often, men are faced with methods of how to enlarge male limbs, such as supplements and pills.

However, most of them turn out to be puppets that bring no results at all.

This is ineffective and a waste of time and money.

With the help of tablets, you cannot achieve a continuous and significant increase in penis size. Even with regular medication intake, a penis in a calm state will not add a centimeter.

The only thing to hope for is an increase in erection, the penis will look a little bigger when aroused due to better blood circulation.

In practice, there are no confirmed cases when the drug has achieved a change in penis size.

In conclusion

A positive answer to the question of what is a realistic penis size to increase penis size may not inspire the first step towards your goal. However, when choosing a method to achieve it, they should remain calm and sensible.

You cannot try to combine many techniques at once or use the first option.

With the right attitude to do business, a man will get results easily and will be satisfied.